Council Members

Committees: Froxfield Parish Council

Chairwoman Vanya Body

Originally from New Zealand, I have lived in Froxfield since 2004 and became a parish councillor in 2015.
I worked as a freelance journalist until retiring last year —  specialising in corporate communications and now intend to dedicate more time to ‘finishing that novel’.  I also edited Whitton Ways, the local parish magazine for the Whitton Benefice (which includes Froxfield) for about 15 years,  until handing over the baton to a new editorial team last year but I still organise distribution of the magazine in the village.

I am married to Duncan Short and our three children attended St Katharine’s Primary School (local catchment primary) in the Savernake, and then St John’s Academy and Dauntsey’s School. I was a School Governor at St Katharine’s Primary for three years, during which I was deputy chair and led the HR committee responsible for recruiting the teaching staff.

Through supporting our children’s sport, I rekindled a passion for athletics and trained as an England Athletics qualified coach specialising in throws. This involved coaching and officiating for the Marlborough & District Junior Athletics Club during the summer months for more than 10 years.

On the Froxfield PC, I act as chairwoman and regularly attend the Pewsey Area Board’s Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group (LHFIG) meetings representing Froxfield PC’s demands for further measures to control traffic speeding on the A4 passing through the village.

Link to Register of Interests