Not being able to afford to heat the home is a major problem for many households and can result in high fuel bills and poor health. People with existing health problems linked with cold homes such as cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, babies and children under 5 years of age, elderly people or those with mobility difficulties, disabilities or mental health conditions and pregnant women can be more at risk from cold living conditions. Cold homes can also cause people to take longer to recover from illnesses particularly those recently discharged from hospital.
Making a home warm and safe can reduce the risk of illness, falls and fires within the home and avoid hospital stays.
Warm and Safe Wiltshire Offers Free and Impartial Energy Advice
Other ways we can help
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue – home safety check, installation of smoke, fire and carbon monoxide alarms. Installation of draught proofing measures.
Aster Care & Repair – help with home improvments, home adaptations and access to funding for heating improvements
Age UK – Emergency heating options
Citizen’s Advice – Independent, impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues, including: money, debt, housing, employment, legal procedures, consumer problems, welfare benefits, immigration, education, health and family matters.
Know and Respond Alerts – Poor air quality can cause short-term health effects in people with heart or lung diseases, including asthma. Know & Respond – is a free service for selected groups of individuals in the Wiltshire area wishing to know about the quality of the air they breathe. More information on their website Warm and Safe Wiltshire Offers Free and Impartial Energy Advice